Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures


In medical emergencies, the University of Dallas Police Department should be notified immediately at (972) (265-5911). The caller should identify the nature of the emergency and the location of the student needing assistance.

If immediate medical treatment is required, the dispatcher in the University of Dallas Police Department will call the paramedics by dialing 911. While the paramedics are enroute (less than two miles from campus), the dispatcher will send a UDPD officer to assist the student and administer first aid, if appropriate. Another UDPD officer will assist the paramedics by directing them to the location of the student experiencing the medical emergency.

After calling the paramedics, the dispatcher will notify the Assistant Vice President of Student Life.

The caller reporting the medical emergency should remain with the person needing medical assistance until the UDPD officer and paramedics arrive. The paramedics will assess the emergency and administer medical treatment. The paramedics will determine if it is necessary to transport the student to a hospital room for further treatment. In most cases, the paramedics transport to the nearest hospital, which is Irving ​​​​​Baylor Scott & White Medical Center (less than three miles from campus).

University of Dallas Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Program

Sudden cardiac arrest is documented as being the leading cause of death in the United States, claiming approximately 350,000 lives each year. 95 % of people who suffer a heart attack in the workplace do not survive. But did you know that defibrillation within three minutes of the onset of a heart attack results in 30-70% survival rates?

AED machines, housed in plastic cases the size of a large purse, can be used to monitor a person's heartbeat and determine if the heart's rhythm is normal. Defibrillators can also deliver life-saving electric shocks to restart the heart or correct an irregular heartbeat. AEDs are designed to be used by non-medical personnel, so cardiac arrest victims don't have to wait for emergency crews to arrive to receive potentially life-saving treatment.

Here's what to do if someone is unconscious/unresponsive:

Call 5911. Contact the University of Dallas Police Department. Check for breathing. If the victim is not breathing, initiate Rescue Breathing: gently tilt the head back to open the airway; watch chest and listen for air from mouth. If not yet breathing, pinch the nose and give 2 slow, full breaths. Watch the chest rise and fall during each breath. Breathe into the victim's mouth once every 5 seconds until emergency personnel arrive. Check for a pulse by gently pressing to the side of the victim's throat. If no pulse, open the AED, turn it on and simply follow the verbal directions, administer CPR as required. If you don't know CPR, continue with Rescue Breathing.

The University of Dallas utilizes the ZOLL AED Plus. AEDs are permanently located in the University of Dallas Police Department in Haggar, on the 1st floor of the Gym, in Gupta College of Business building and on the wall outside the public restrooms in the Church of the Incarnation. An AED is kept in the UDPD patrol car at all times. In addition, the Athletics Department has two AED units that are designated to be on site at all athletic events.


Should a student discover a fire or smoke in one of the university buildings, the following procedure should be used:

Ring the building fire alarm. Shout "Fire" loudly to alert anyone else who may be in the building. Immediately notify the University of Dallas Police Department and report the location of the fire: building, floor, area and intensity. The University of Dallas Police Department will report the fire to the Irving Fire Department. The Residential Life Staff will instruct all occupants of the building to evacuate immediately. Residents must evacuate immediately. Residents must evacuate to the designated area and immediately check in with the Residential Life Staff. No one may return to the building until an official "all clear" notice. The fighting of the fire is the responsibility of university personnel and the Irving Fire Department.

The staff of each residence hall is expected to explain all emergency and evacuation procedures to all residents. This should be done at the beginning of each semester.

Severe Storm/Tornado

In North Texas, severe weather can happen anywhere, at any time, and often occur when it is least expected. When a weather crisis does occur, events usually unfold rapidly, leaving little time for planning.  When the potential for these threats exists, The University of Dallas Police will monitor appropriate information sources (e.g. The Weather Channel, Internet weather sites, local TV stations, National Weather Service) to ensure awareness of potential threats.  

In the event of a tornado, the City of Irving will sound sirens throughout the city. The University, however, does not solely rely upon this system for notification of the university community. When certain there are tornados in the University's vicinity, the University of Dallas Police Department will execute the emergency notification system.

During the state of weather emergency, persons on campus should move to the inner core of the building away from window areas, or to the basement area if one exists in the building where they are located. Persons should remain in the designated area inside the building until the storm has passed and an "all clear" signal has been issued. Never try to "outrun" an approaching storm in your automobile.

The University utilizes an emergency notification system that sends voicemails, text messages and e-mails to students, faculty and staff in the event of an emergency.

Log on to BannerWeb and click “My Profile” to provide or update your cell phone and other vital emergency contact information.

The notification system is only as useful as the contact information people provide. It is especially important to register cell phone numbers so University officials can reach faculty and staff wherever they may be located.

Follow recommended safety procedures for the following buildings:



Anselm Hall

Middle of 1st Floor Hallway

Art Ceramics

Lower Level Studio 103

Art Foundation

Ceramics Studio 103

Art History

Classroom 112

Art Painting / Printmaking

Lower Level Studio

Art Sculpture

Lower Level Senior Studios

Augustine Hall

Middle of 1st Floor Hallway *1

Blakley Library

Lower Level Periodicals

Braniff Graduate Building

Primary: Education Media Center

Overflow: Lower Level Restrooms

Braniff Library

Primary: Lower Level Conference Room

Overflow: Lower Level Restrooms

Cardinal Farrell Hall

First floor restrooms

Catherine Hall

Primary: Laundry Rm. / Student Storage Room

Overflow: Lower Level Storage Area

Church of the Incarnation

Primary: Men's Restroom St. Joseph Room

Overflow: Sacristy

Clark Hall

First floor wing hallways away from windows

or restrooms off of main lobby

College of Business

1st Floor Restrooms

Drama Building

Student Worker work room

Facilities Building


Gorman Lecture Center

Lecture Room A and Print Lab

Gregory Hall

Primary: Middle of 1st Floor Hallway *2

Overflow: Student Storage Rm.

Haggar Dock

Custodial Office away from glass entry

Haggar University Center

Primary: Print Shop

Overflow: Lower Level Restrooms

Haggerty Science Building

Lower Level East Hallway

Jerome Hall

Lower Level Basement

Lower Blakley

Restrooms by Learning Center

Madonna Hall

Primary: Middle of 1st Floor Hallway *2

Overflow: Laundry Room

Maher Athletic Center

Lower Level Public Locker Rooms

O'Connell Hall

Middle of 1st Floor Hallway *2

SB Hall

First Floor Restrooms

Student Apartments




Theresa Hall

Middle of 1st Floor Hallway *2


*1 All office doors need to be closed


*2 All room doors need to be closed

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