2022 Sponsors
Loyola University Chicago: Hank Center for Catholic Intellectual Heritage
The Joan and Bill Hank Center, one of Loyola's five Centers of Excellence, is a venue for faculty, students, and staff to learn about, and investigate, Roman Catholic thought and its links to all academic disciplines. With its strong emphasis on scholarly research and interdisciplinary engagement, The Hank Center is a productive space where the fruits of scholarship and inquiry can be encountered, discussed, and shared.
McGrath Institute For Church Life
The McGrath Institute for Church Life partners with Catholic dioceses, parishes, and schools to address pastoral challenges
with theological depth and rigor. By connecting the Catholic intellectual life to
the life of the Church, we form faithful Catholic leaders for service to the Church
and the world.
The University of St. Thomas MFA Program
The Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program offers an advanced apprenticeship in poetry and fiction, taught by a host of distinguished writers and scholars. The program integrates intense and invigorating workshops in writing with a series of comprehensive seminars in the Catholic literary and intellectual tradition.
The Institute for Human Ecology
The Institute for Human Ecology (IHE) at The Catholic University of America is the nation's leading academic institute committed to increasing scientific understanding of the economic, cultural, and social conditions vital for human flourishing.
Wyoming Catholic College
Wyoming Catholic College forms students through a rigorous immersion in the primary sources of the classical liberal arts tradition, the grandeur of the mountain wilderness, and the spiritual heritage of the Catholic Church. Grounded in real experience and thoughtful reflection, our graduates love truth, think clearly, and communicate eloquently, engaging with the world as it is.
Fordham University: The Francis and Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies
The Francis and Ann Curan Center for American Catholic Studies at Fordham University advances knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of American Catholicism within the academy, the church, the broader religious community, and the general public.
Wiseblood Books
Wiseblood Books fosters works of fiction, poetry, and philosophy that find redemption in uncanny
places and people; wrestle us from the tyranny of noise and rescue us from the republic
of boredom; articulate faith and doubt in their incarnate complexity; and render well
this world's countless sublimities and sufferings without forfeiting hope—all of this
with an unflinching gaze, wide-eyed.
Well-Read Mom
Well-Read Mom accompanies women in the reading of great books and spiritual classics to encourage
personal growth, friendship, and meaningful conversations in order to explore the
human condition and reorient ourselves to what is good, beautiful, and true. In Well-Read
Mom, women read more and read well. Their hope is to deepen the awareness of meaning
hidden in each woman’s daily life, elevate the cultural conversation, and revitalize
reading literature from books.
Slant Books
Slant Books is an independent, not-for-profit literary press specializing in fiction, poetry,
creative nonfiction, philosophy, theology, and belles lettres. Slant titles are marked
by the kind of meticulous craft and passion for language that are harder and harder
to come by in our age of instant publishing and literary gimmickry.
Catholic Culture Podcast Network
The Catholic Culture Podcast Network offers wide-ranging, deep engagement with the arts and other aspects of culture from
a faithful Catholic perspective. Its four podcasts feature interviews on Catholic
arts and culture, film discussions, early Church history, and audiobooks of classic
Catholic works. This podcast network is an extension of the Catholic Culture website,
which has been serving Catholics all over the world since 2003.
Collegium Institute
Founded by faculty, alumni, students, & friends of the University of Pennsylvania,
the Collegium Institute is an independent, academic community with a catholic vision: that is, it draws mainstream
learning into conversation with the Catholic intellectual tradition & cultivates reflection
on the catholic, or universal, questions that animate every human life
Image Journal
Image fosters contemporary art and writing that grapple with the mystery of being human
by curating, cultivating, convening, and celebrating work that explores religious
faith and faces spiritual questions. Image is animated by our vision to be a vibrant
thread in the fabric of culture, contributing to mainstream literary and artistic
communities by demonstrating the vitality of contemporary art and literature invigorated
by religious faith.
Ignatius Press
Ignatius Press was founded in 1978 by Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J., with the mission of bringing the
works of great European theologians—particularly Hans Urs von Balthasar, Henri de
Lubac, and Joseph Ratzinger—to English-speaking readers. Today Ignatius Press is a
leading publisher of Catholic books in theology, philosophy, spirituality, and Scripture
studies, as well as children’s books, catechetical works, and fiction.
Catholic Literary Arts
Catholic Literary Arts encourages ongoing growth in literary, artistic, and spiritual development of artists
and writers so that the Cultural Patrimony and rich treasures of the Catholic Church
may be more perfectly explored and used to draw all peoples to God.
Word on Fire
Word on Fire reaches millions every year by effectively sharing the Gospel via podcasts, videos, books, articles, Scripture studies, and Gospel meditations. Word on Fire sets out into the deep to reveal what it means to truly encounter Christ by proclaiming the universality of the Catholic faith that is both ancient and forever new, reaching beyond the borders of country, background, or person.
Paraclete Press
As the publishing house of a Cape Cod Benedictine community, the Community of Jesus,
Paraclete Press presents a full expression of Christian belief and practice—Catholic,
evangelical, mainline Protestant, Orthodox—reflecting the ecumenical charism of the
Community and its dedication to sacred music, the fine arts, and the written word.
We publish books, recordings, sheet music, and videos that nourish the vibrant life
of the church and its people.
Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian Abbey
America Media
Angelico Press
Georgetown University
Eighth Day Books
Presence: A Journal of Catholic Poetry
Further donations and support for the conference are most welcome. If you or your organization would like to help fund the Catholic Imagination Conference, please feel free to contact the Cowan Center at CIC2022@castingmoldingmachine.com